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ETI, in cooperation with a business partner, launched the PODIFER project at the end of last year.

The goals of the PODIFER project are aimed at the development of special differential switches to meet protective measures in new generation electrical installations that will enable the "European Green Transition".


ETI launched a digital transformation project

ETI launched a digital transformation project

ETI launched a digital transformation project 


ETI among the recipients of the call for proposals for the digital transformation of companies OPTI 4.0


Visit of minister for Economic Development and Technology

Visit of minister for Economic Development and Technology

Visit of the Minister for Economic Development and Technology


On Friday, October 21st 2022, the Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Matjaž Han, visited Zagorje together with his colleagues. During his visit, he also visited ETI.

ETI's innovators awarded with silver and bronze

ETI's innovators awarded with silver and bronze

ETI's innovators awarded with silver and bronze


Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS) awarded the most innovative companies and other organizations. Among the recipients are also innovators from ETI. We received silver and two bronze awards.

ETI at Light and Building 2022

ETI at Light and Building 2022

ETI at Light and Building 2022


We would like to welcome you at our stand at Light and Building 2022, which will take place from October 2nd to 6th.

You can find us in Hall 11.0 / Stand C92.

ETI among best innovators

ETI among best innovators

ETI's innovators among the winners for the best Regional innovations of 2022

On June 14th 2022, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry awarded Regional awards to the most innovative companies and innovators for year 2022; our employees were among the recipients of awards.

ETI at the Intersolar 2022 fair

ETI at the Intersolar 2022 fair

ETI at the Intersolar 2022 fair


We would like to welcome you at our stand at Intersolar München 2022 trade show, which will take place from May 11th to 13th. 

You can find us in Hall B4 / Stand 119.

Helping children and families in Ukraine

Helping children and families in Ukraine

Helping children and families in Ukraine

This March, companies ETI and ETI PROPLAST and our employees, in cooperation with Unicef, carried out a fundraising campaign to help children and their families in Ukraine. Employees helped by donating a selected share of their salaries, and each of both companies doubled that donation. With this campaign, we are helping Unicef ​​to deliver clean drinking water, health, hygiene and emergency supplies for education, and other emergency assistance to children and families in need.



Our funds helped provide 322 large packages of first aid kit and medicines to ukrainian families and provided 250 families with emergency aid in the form of water and sanitary and hygienic materials.

Thank you very much to all our coworkers for contributions in the campaign!

ETI's statement concerning the war in Ukraine

ETI's statement concerning the war in Ukraine

ETI's statement concerning the war in Ukraine


We at ETI strongly condemn the war in Ukraine. We stand with our people in Ukraine and the whole Ukrainian nation against the widespread devastation and growing humanitarian crisis caused by the war. We join all calls for peace and our hope is that peace will prevail soon.

We express solidarity with the Ukrainian people who are suffering the consequences of war. We are committed to supporting our Ukrainian team members, customers and partners and we support the humanitarian efforts to aid the people of Ukraine. 

ETI strongly supports and complies with all sanctions and restrictions implied by international community. We have put on hold all new businesses and deliveries to Russia since February 24th. We will continue to monitor this situation and take actions consistent with our company values.

M.Sc. Tomaž Berginc


Utrip - a look back on 2021

Utrip - a look back on 2021

ETI group's corporate magazine 

Last year was tumultuous for all of us, yet also a very rewarding one. In this edition of ETI group magazine Utrip, we have gathered the stories of the most important events that took place in our group in 2021.

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